The indicators of the food industry for the 2012-2013 period offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment tell that the food and drink industry is the first industrial branch, and that it represents 20.5% of the net sales of products, 18.4% of the employed people, 14.9% of the investment in material assets, and 15.1% of the added value, according to the last industrial survey of the companies by the INE (National Institute of Statistics) as of 31st December 2012.
In the international sphere, the Spanish food industry holds the fifth place (after Germany, France, Italy and UK) in terms of the sales value. The total of the net sales, during 2012, of products from the food and drink industry reached €90,168.9 million, and this represents an increase by 1.7% in comparison with €88,673.1 million in 2011.

As a novelty, this year the sectorial records will be published, with data from the 13 subsectors in which the food industry has been divided. The first place is held by the meat companies, with total sales of €19,499.1 million (21.6%) in 2012, followed by animal feed, with €8,983.501 million (10%).
With regard to the number of companies in the food industry, according to the latest data of the INE as of 1st January 2013, there were 28,731; and 4,036 of them belong to the meat industry.
Tuesday April 22, 2014, MAGRAMA/ Spain.