According to the data given by the Spanish Tax Agency and analysed by the Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium regarding the Spanish exports of cured hams and shoulders, during the first trimester of this year, with 6,634 tonnes, the Spanish exports have increased by 11.95% with respect to the same period in 2013, in which 5,926 tonnes of cured hams and shoulders were exported.
This increase has also been reflected in the value of this business activity, which has reached €59,464 million: 10.57% more than during the same period in 2013. This lower percentage in the growth of the value of the exports with respect to the rise in volume is due to a lower average price during the analysed period, in which it fell by 1.24% with respect to the same period in 2013.

With respect to the destinations, Germany, France and Portugal, with a total volume of 61.7%, still hold the first places as destination markets with 1,722; 1,549 and 818 tones exported, respectively. After them we find Italy (572 tonnes), Mexico (209 tonnes), Belgium (188 tonnes) and The Netherlands (153 tonnes).
According to the geographical area, we must highlight that the exports to the European Union (28 countries) have grown by 21.96%, whilst the exports to third countries have fallen by 20.10%. The EU28 represents 83% of the total exports (76.2% during the same period in 2013).
Among the countries of the EU28 we must stress the good behaviour of Portugal and Italy. The exports to Portugal have reached 818.27 tonnes, which entails almost 450 tonnes more than during the same period in 2013, when only 369 tonnes of Spanish cured hams and shoulders were exported. On the other hand, Italy has reached 572.53 tonnes during these first three months: 286.22 tonnes more than during the same period in 2013, when 286.31 tonnes were exported.
With regard to the countries that do not pertain to the EU, we must mention the situation in US and Japan: the exports to these countries have grown. US, that holds the tenth position, has reached 98.49 tonnes, whilst in the same period in 2013 it reached 87.59 tonnes. On the other hand, the exports to Japan, a market that holds the eleventh place in the ranking, have risen by 7.56% with respect to the same period in 2013, because they have gone from 86.70 to 93.26 tonnes.
Thursday June 12, 2014/ Consorcio del Jamón Serrano Español - Press release/ Spain.