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Spain: increase in the exports of pork and pork products to Mexico

Spain is the fourth pork supplier to Mexico, only beaten by the USA, Canada and Chile.
6 September 2017

According to the data of DATACOMEX, produced by the Interprofesional del Porcino de Capa Blanca (White-Coated Pig Interprofessional Association, INTERPORC), the sales of Spanish pork and pork products to Mexico have multiplied by five in the last 10 years, going from 382 tonnes sold in 2007 to 1,947 tonnes in 2016. In total, last year the value of the exports reached €19.95 million, and this entails multiplying almost by five the invoicing with respect to the €43.2 million in 2007.

Regarding the sales by the type of product, they are led by cured hams and forelegs, that entailed 67.7% of the total pork exports, with 1,319 tonnes with a value of €15.2 million. The data available place Spain as the main provider of these products to Mexico. Cured hams and forelegs are followed by cured and cooked cold meats, with 435 tonnes that total €3.1 million; processed products and tinned pork, that reach 105 tonnes and €939,000; and fresh, refrigerated or frozen pork, that add up 73 tonnes and €408,000.

In the last years, Spain is making its way as a pork provider to a country that holds the third place in the world regarding pork and pork products exports, that in 2016 exceeded one million tonnes and €1,685 million.

Despite all that, the Mexican market is mainly taken by the USA, that totals 82% of the imports in terms of volume, with 892,798 tonnes. It is followed, at a great distance, by Canada, Chile, and Spain in the fourth place.

Thursday, August 24th, 2017/ Interporc/ Spain.

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