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Spain: increase in the number of pigs slaughtered during the first quarter of 2017

During the first three months of the year there was an increase of 2.8%, both in the number of pigs slaughtered and in the number of tonnes of pork produced.

9 June 2017

According to the latest data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), Spanish slaughterhouses slaughtered a total of 215,514,703 head of cattle and produced 1.71 million tonnes of meat in the first quarter of 2017, representing an increase of 1.21% and 2.72% respectively, compared to the same period of the previous year.

As per porcine, 12,845,858 heads (+2.8%) were slaughtered and 1.13 million tonnes of pork (+2.8%) were produced between January and March. By Autonomous Communities, Catalonia leads the figures,, with 5,330,980 heads and 444,597 t (+2.71% and + 1.36%, respectively), followed by Castilla y León, with 1,882,119 heads and 184,172 t (−5,77% and −1,14%) and Aragon, with 1,424,184 heads and 120,956 t (+12,06% and +11,47%).

June 2017 / MAPAMA / Spain.

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