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Spain: increase in the number of pork products exportable to China

Within the framework of the visit to Spain of the President of the People's Republic of China, Mr Xi Jinping, the signing of two protocols that will allow to start the exports of table grapes and an increase in the number of pork products from Spain to China took place today.

3 December 2018

The new pork protocol has been negotiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain and the General Administration of Customs of China, and in the Spain-China Cooperation Joint Committee held in October in Beijing between the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain and the Ministry of Commerce of China. The protocol will allow to significantly increase the range of authorised products, such as fresh meat and cured products like hams, shoulders, loin, salchichón and chorizo. So far, frozen meat and offal are exported to China.

Among the processed products, until now Spain could only export boneless ham. With this new protocol, it is possible to export products with a greater added value, such as bone-in ham and the rest of the cured products, so great possibilities unfold for the Spanish meat industry, as it will have access to the greatest market in the world under very favourable conditions. Also, the new text with the health and animal health requirements for Spanish pork exports will allow the export of refrigerated fresh pork, therefore aiming for a new market niche with high quality products and a greater differentiation of the products.

China is, by far, the greatest pork products market, as it consumes some 50% of the world production. Pork entails two thirds of the total meat consumption in the diet of the Chinese consumers, and although China is the greatest world producer, they are also the first importers.

In the last years, Spain has risen in the ranking until becoming, in 2017, the leading pork exporter to China and the fourth offal exporter, with a total of 373,000 tonnes with a value of €574 million, this making this product the main Spanish export to China.

Wednesday November 28th, 2018/ MAPA/ Spain.

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