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Spain is the third provider of pork to China

Spain is, once more, the third provider of pork to China, after the USA and Germany, and ahead of Denmark.

24 March 2017

In 2016, the sales of pork/pig products from Spain to China emphasised the increases seen in previous years and reached USD734 million and 401,578 tonnes, a rise by 84% in terms of value and by 73% in terms of volume with respect to 2015. This places Spain, once more, as the third provider of pork to China, after the USA and Germany, and ahead of Denmark, that holds the fourth place, according to the information published by the MAPAMA in its gazette “Foreign News”.

Evolution of the Spanish pork exports to China in the last 4 years.

Evolution of the Spanish pork exports to China in the last 4 years.


With respect to 2014, the sales of pork have increased by 2.5 times. Among the pig products, frozen pork reached USD520 million and 260,053 tonnes (+ 104%), offal USD182.2 million and 111,245 tonnes; pig fat USD29.1 million and 30,175 tonnes; and salted and cured products (consignments 0210 and 1602), €4 million and 145 tonnes.

Regarding frozen pork, Spain is the second supplier, after Germany and ahead of the USA. With respect to the previous years, the Spanish pork exports become, for another year, more important in comparison with offal, because they now represent 70% of the total. Offal entail 25%, fat 4% and cured products 0.5%. In the case of the German sales, pork is also the leader, whilst regarding the USA (the first provider to China), the sales of offal double those of pork.

Considering all the origins, in 2016 China imported for a figure of more than USD5,700 million and 3 millions of tonnes of pig products, this is, approximately the double with respect to 2015, when it imported 1.55 million tonnes with a value of USD2,700 million. It is estimated that pork production in China in 2016 reached 51.85 million tonnes: 5.5% less than in 2105 and 8.5% less than in 2014. In spite of year 2016 having set a record in Chinese pork imports, they barely reach 5,7% of the domestic production.

Thursday, 16 March 2017/ MAPAMA-Foreign News/ Spain.

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