Spain has asked, so far, for grants for the private storage of 8,966 tonnes of pork. It is the member state that has asked for grants for a higher tonnage, followed by Denmark (7,167 tonnes), Poland (6,275 tonnes) and Germany (6,146 tonnes). The total requests amount to 38,484 tonnes.
Most of the requests are for the storage for 90 days (26,837 tonnes), followed by 150 days (8,915 tonnes) and 120 days (2,732 tonnes). In the specific case of Spain, the grants for the storage of pork have been as follows: for 90 days (6,250 tonnes), for 120 days (258 tonnes) and for 150 days (2,458 tonnes).

Most of the tonnage requested is for boneless hams and bellies (61.7%). Specifically, there have been requests for the storage of 23,757 tonnes of deboned hams and 6,141 tonnes of deboned bellies.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015/ DG Agriculture/ European Union.