
Spain - MARM analyzes the exportation situation with the swine sector

In 2009, Spanish swine exports, despite a deceleration in world trade in pig meat, maintained a stable situation, even managing an increase estimated to be 2%, which is equivalent to more than 1.2 million tons.
8 February 2010
In 2009, Spanish swine exports, despite a deceleration in world trade in pig meat, maintained a stable situation, even managing an increase estimated to be 2%, which is equivalent to more than 1.2 million tons.

This positive figure is mainly due to the continuation of the growing tendency of exports to other members of the EU (figures close to 9% up from 2008). On the other hand, a decrease of around 20% has been detected in exports to non-EU countries, due to the retraction on a worldwide level in the demand for pig meat as a consequence of the global economic crisis. This tendency is seen as a whole in European Union exporters.

(Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).


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