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Spain: negotiations with Russia for resumption of exports of animal products

The parties will discuss the possibility of resuming export of animal products to Russia.

12 March 2014

According to Rosselkhoznadzor, negotiations between Sergey Dankvert and Isabel Garcia Tejerina, Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Spain, will be held on March 14 in Madrid. The parties will discuss the possibility of resuming export of animal products to Russia.

Technical consultations at the expert level will be held prior the meeting, on March 12 and March 13. They will be aimed at discussion of measures taken by the Spanish Veterinary service in order to correct violations found by the Rosselkhoznadzor specialists during the inspection conducted in September 2013. The participants will estimate possibility of removing temporary restrictions on dairy product and pork export from Spanish establishments.

Besides in the framework of negotiations the Rosselkhoznadzor specialists will visit one of Spanish pork producing establishments as well as pig farms in order to estimate efficiency of Spanish Veterinary Service activities aimed at preventing introduction and spread of dangerous animal diseases including ASF in Spain.

Tuesday March 11, 2014/ Rosselkhoznadzor/ Russia.

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