The Spanish Cabinet on Friday approved a Royal Decree, presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, by amending the Royal Decree of 2002 on minimum standards for the protection of pigs, establishing new provisions to ensure adaptation of pig farms to the requirements of this legislation, which will be fully applicable as of January 1, 2013.
In order to do this, the conditions to be met by producers who have not completed the process of adapting to the new conditions for accommodating breeders will be set, establishing a requirement for submission to the competent authority of a timeline indicating facilities changes.

For those producers who do not intend to make any changes to the facilities there is an obligation to submit an adjustment plan which may involve the termination or suspension of livestock, the change in the zootechnical classification or a decrease in the farm census.
The approved Royal Decree also envisages measures to be taken by the authorities in case of non-compliance as of January 1, 2013 and remarks on punitive measures.
Friday October 5, 2012/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.