The number of establishments dedicated to organic industrial activities in 2012 reached a figure of 4,127. Among them, 3,361 are related to the production of vegetables and 766 to animal production. This figure implies an increase by 11.63% with respect to 2011, when 3,697 establishments were registered (3,034 dedicated to the production of vegetables and 663 to animal production).
With respect to the industrial activity related to animal production, in year 2012, 332 meat and meat products production and preservation industries were registered, in comparison with 268 registered in year 2011. The number of industries dedicated to the production of dairy products also rose (128 in 2012 versus 101 in 2011), and the same happened in the case of the establishments dedicated to honey production, with a growth by 6.77% in year 2012 with respect to the previous year. Also, the production and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs experienced a rise by 16.67%.

With respect to organic stockbreeding, a total of 6,263 farms were registered in 2012, which compared with 6,047 in 2011 entail an increase by 3.11%. Andalusia stands out with 3,794 farms (3.01% more), and it represents 60.58% of the national total. It is followed by Catalonia, with 581 farms and an rise by 1.40%; the Balearic Islands, with 451 farms; and Asturias, with 367.
In the case of swine, the data with respect to the number of farms is very similar (154 in 2011, and 152 in 2012). Regarding the number of heads, 7,600 were registered in 2012 versus 6,725 in 2011, this is, an increase by 13.01%.
Wednesday september 8, 2013/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.