The Final Agricultural Production in Spain in 2014 has ben estimated as some €6000 M, entailing 37% of the Final Livestock Production, acording to the data of the report “Portrayal of the Spanish pig sector. Year 2014,” published by the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain.
Since 2008, we can see an irregular evolution in the numbers of pigs, and the upward trend that went on until 2007 became stabilised. This reflects the doubts regarding the prices of feed in livestock production, with sow censuses with a downward trend since 2007. The enforcement, on 1 January 2013, of new animal welfare requirements, may be the culprit for the decrease in the censuses, that registered minimum levels in May 2013. Nevertheless, in November 2013 there was a new recovery of figures. The latest (provisional) data of November 2014 point to an increae in the total (+4.1%) and the sow (+4.7%) censuses with respect to the figures in November 2013. Thus, the data regarding the numbers of pigs in 2006 have been exceeded .
The number of animals slaughtered in 2014 was 43,141,902, and this entails a production of 3,571,009 tonnes (source: SG Estadística, provisional data). In 2015, the downward trend detected in 2013 and 2014 changes, reaching maximum figures.
The total number of farms registered in December 2014 was 86,552 (source: REGA). There has been a decrease by 13% since 2007, although in 2014 there was an upward trend with a increase by 1.3% in the total number of pig farms with respect to the December 2013 figures. The accumulated drop is mainly due to the fall in the number of the smallest farms, and we have seen a continuous phenomenon of concentration of farms. The evolution during the previous years was also affected by the requirements in terms of the adjustement to the animal welfare regulations.
Thursday, 30 April 2015/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.