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Spain positions itself as the second feed producer in the EU

Spain has been the second feed producer in the EU (behind Germany) with an increase by 1.6% with respect to 2015.

29 September 2017

According to the FEFAC’s production estimates for 2016 in a document updated in June 2017, Spain has been the second feed producer in the EU (with an increase by 1.6% in comparison with 2015), behind Germany (decrease by 0.1% with respect to 2015), and France has occupied the third place (decrease by 3.4% with respect to 2015).

The total feed production in Spain reached 34,029,299 tonnes during 2016. This amount is the sum of the production of feed by all the feed producers, this is, all with the C or E business code in the registry of establishments. Feed production has increased by 8.6% with regard to its value in 2015.

Feed production for livestock reached 32,947,115 tonnes (96,8% of the total feed produced). The amount of feed produced for livestock has increased by almost 8% in comparison with 2015. In the case of other species (pets, animals produced for their fur, and other species), the production of 1,082,152 tonnes has been declared, this figure exceeding by 6,9% the amount reached in 2015.

National feed production in 2016: percent share per species
National feed production in 2016: percent share per species

Regarding the autonomous communities, Catalonia is still the main producing area, with 6,511,502 tonnes, followed by Andalusia (5,316,969 tonnes), Aragon (4,375,618 tonnes) and Castile and Leon (4,321,018 tonnes). We must highlight the increase in the amount of feed declared in Andalusia in comparison with previous years, due to, as they point out, to the operators having had to provide their data.

Feed production percent per Autonomous Community.
Feed production percent per Autonomous Community.

Regarding the kind of feed, we must underline the drop in the amount of medicated feed with respect to the total amount of feed produced, that in 2015 represented 13.8% and that in 2016 has been 12.5%. 13.5% of the total medicated feed produced is feed with anti-parasitic drugs not used as growth promoters. On the other hand, the amount of organic feed produced in 2016 has fallen with respect to the total feed produced, having gone from almost 0.11% to 0.092%. And regarding the species, in this group of feed, aviculture (42.4%), cattle (28.2%) and ‘multispecies’ products (18.3%) stand out.

Friday, September 15th, 2017/ SILUM/ Spain.

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