Isabel García Tejerina presented, together with Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the National Programme for Agri-Food and Forestry Innovation.
To elaborate this Plan, the needs for real innovation in the sector were identified and prioritized in the first place, with the aid of a consultation to all the Autonomous Communities, 142 organizations representing the food and forestry sector, and a total of 34 technical units of the Ministry itself.

Thanks to this work, 72 lines of innovation and research have been identified, leading to the outlining of 8 strategic actions, ranging from natural resources to production systems, technological processes, food quality, the backbone of the food chain, management tools, security and traceability and social innovation. In addition, these 8 large areas have been incorporated into the action lines of the EU and national policies that result in calls and grants for R+D+I.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 / MAGRAMA / Spain.