The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain has just published the economic data of the swine sector, and according to them:
- The final production value of swine reaches its maximum historic value: €6,273 million, and this entails more than 39% of the final stockbreeding production.
- With respect to production, it is kept at about 3.4 million tonnes, with a slight drop with respect to 2012. The number of slaughtered animals is practically the same, with a small decrease of some 150,000 pigs less. Likewise, the average weight of the carcasses barely falls by 300 grams with respect to year 2012.
- An increase in the value of the exports is confirmed. They grew again by 2.5% in 2013, reaching €3,327 million. Regarding the volume of the exports, slight increases in the exports to other EU member countries and drops in the exports to third countries (19.5%) due to the closure of the Russian market imposed as of April have been shown.
- The datum on domestic consumption shows a growth of the consumption of fresh meat by 2.27% and of processed meat by 1.46%.
- The census shows a slight increase by 1.6% favoured by the rise in the number of fattening pigs. Nevertheless, the number of sows falls by 1.5%.
- The average price of pig meat in Spain was 11.39% higher than its average price in 2012.

Thursday March 20, 2014/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.