
Spain - Project for controlling salmonella in Iberian pigs

The University of Cordoba, the Andalusian Cooperative Society for Agriculture and Farming from Valle de Los Pedroches (COVAP) and the PigChamp Pro-Europa company are developing a pioneering project in Andalusia to control and minimize the presence of salmonella in the iberian pig, in order to improve animal welfare and the food safety of the product. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).
6 March 2009
The University of Cordoba, the Andalusian Cooperative Society for Agriculture and Farming from Valle de Los Pedroches (COVAP) and the PigChamp Pro-Europa company are developing a pioneering project in Andalusia to control and minimize the presence of salmonella in the iberian pig, in order to improve animal welfare and the food safety of the product. (Original in Spanish. Read Google translation here).


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