The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture has called for public consultation of the draft Royal Decree amending RD 542/2016, dated November 25, on animal health and protection rules during transport.
Experience gained in implementing the current regulations on animal health and protection has shown that there is room for improvement in the existing mechanisms to ensure compliance with these rules.

The purpose of this public consultation is to gather the opinion of industry organizations, as well as animal-related professional organizations and animal protection organizations, as well as citizens in general.
Problems to be solved with the new standard
Live animal export operations through ports and airports are complex and involve many operators. Poor organization or lack of clearly defined responsibilities can adversely affect animal welfare. The purpose of this standard is to clarify the responsibilities of each of the operators involved to ensure that animal welfare is not adversely affected at any time.
The absence of a national register of all operators involved in the transport of animals, as well as a register of who holds certificates of competence, hinders the implementation of controls and the exchange of information between the administrations involved.
Finally, there are some points in the current text that require clarification or specification so that authorities and operators have clear lines of action, such as the period of time during which temperature records must be kept, or the management of the established contingency plan.
The deadline for comments begins on February 17 and runs through March 3, 2021.
February 17, 2021/ MAPA/ Spain.