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Spain sees decline in ham exports

The number of pieces exported during the first nine months of this year has suffered a decrease of 4.69% compared to the same period last year. The main markets in terms of value are Germany and France, followed by Portugal and Italy.

11 December 2020

The Consorcio del Jamón Serrano Español (CJSE) has released the export figures for Spanish cured hams/shoulders up to the third quarter of 2020, a period in which, according to data from Customs and the Revenue Agency (Aduanas y Agencia Tributaria), a total of 32,098.79 tonnes were exported compared to the volume recorded for the same period in 2019, with 33,677.94 tonnes exported; a drop of 4.69%. European Union countries imported a total of 25,615.93 tonnes during this time, while Third Countries imported 6,482.86 tonnes.

European Union countries for which export values have increased during the first nine months of the year include the Netherlands (by 20.83%) and Germany (by 6.25%). Although not part of the European Union, export values for the United Kingdom have also increased by 6.76%. The main markets in terms of value are still European Union countries such as Germany and France, followed by Portugal and Italy.

Third Countries that have reflected the most important growth in terms of value have been China by 66.47% and Australia by 30.20%. China is positioned as the market with the most attractive prices with 20.12 euros/kg, in spite of a 26.42% decrease. Another thing to note is the growth experienced by the United States, with a rise of 11.96%, while Mexico has suffered a decline of 20.03%.

In regards to presentations, 17.58% of the pieces exported in this period correspond to bone-in, which represent a drop of 8.80% with respect to the previous year's figure, with an export volume of 18.37%; with Portugal, USA, and China being the countries where this presentation has been most consumed. Markets that have recorded an increase in exports of boneless ham have been Australia by 100%, Austria by 99.57% and Denmark by 98.01%, and to a lesser extend, USA by 39.07%.

December 3, 2020/ Consorcio del Jamón Serrano/ Spain.

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