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Spain: Temperature monitoring regulations during animal transport

The Ministry of Agriculture has launched an action plan for controlling temperatures in animal transportation during the summer of 2020, which affects transports longer than 8 hours.

7 July 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAPA), in coordination with the Autonomous Communities, has launched an action plan for controlling temperatures in animal transport during the summer of 2020. It affects international transports longer than 8 hours, both within the European Union and third countries.

From June 19 to September 15, the relevant authority in the place of origin shall request the transport temperature records from the trip organizer together with the return of the logbook.

It shall also ensure that the operator managing the transfer has checked in advance that the expected weather conditions will make the journey possible and that temperatures inside the transport vehicle will be maintained between 5 and 30 °C, with a tolerance of ± 5 °C, depending on the outside temperature. If the records indicate that the temperatures exceed 35 ºC (95°F), the corresponding disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.

The plan also includes provisions for monitoring by the State, which will receive a final report from the Autonomous Communities. The following will be reflected in this document:

  • the number of trips rejected for failure to ensure compliance with appropriate temperature levels
  • the number of trips carried out
  • the trips where the temperature records were not returned within the time limit
  • the number of disciplinary files processed

In addition, in the case of transports up to 12 hours in authorized vehicles which are not required to have a temperature recording system, the relevant authority should ensure that the transporter takes the necessary measures to ensure proper care of the animals.

June 1, 2020/ MAPA/ Spain.

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