The agrifood sector has reached high productivity levels and a broad importance in the foreign markets, with a value of exports that represents, currently, 17% of the foreign trade, as can be deduced from the production and foreign trade reports drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
The economic activity generated keeps a constant upward trend, as shown by the increase in the agrifood sector exports, that in 2011 represented 15.4% of the total foreign trade and that in 2014 reached 17%.

In 2014 an absolute foreign trade maximum was reached: agrifood, fishing anf forestry products were exported for a value of €40,830 million: 3% higher than in 2013 and up to 23.3% higher than in 2011, when the value of exports reached €33,122 million. The domestic EU trade outsands, especially with countries as France, Italy, Germany and Portugal.
The Iberian pig sector has a special importance in the Spanish agrifood sector, with some 2.3 million heads in 2012. The sales of cured hams in Spain reached 21,845 tonnes. The quality of the Spanish cured hams and sausages has also received recognition in the foreign markets, allowing the exportation of more than 80,000 tonnes of cured hams and sausages with a value of €384.4 million. Currently, Spain is almost the only Iberian ham exporter in the world. The number of foreign markets for the Spanish pork products has grown, and they are exported to 134 countries. The exports are mainly to the EU (63% of the economic value), especially France, with monthly averages of 85 tonnes, followed by Germany with 117 tones/month, and Portugal, with 68 tonnes/month. Outside the EU, the destinations are very well spread out around the globe, and Japan stands out with a monthly average of 5.1 tonnes.
Monday, 30 March 2015/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.