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Spain, the largest livestock producer in 2015

The highest numbers of pigs were recorded in Spain and Germany (28.4 and 27.7 million head respectively.

23 January 2017

According to Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics statistical book, in 2015, Spain, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy held the largest populations of livestock in the EU-28. The highest numbers of pigs were recorded in Spain and Germany (28.4 and 27.7 million head respectively), bovines in France (19.4 million head), and sheep in the United Kingdom (23.1 million head)

Pig meat production in the EU-28, driven by the export surge of pig meat to China and low feed prices, increased by 3.7 % from 2014 to 2015, reaching 22.9 million tonnes. Almost all EU Member States, except Denmark, Austria and Belgium, followed an increase in the production or a slowdown in the decline of pig production (e.g. Germany) in 2015. Germany produced around one quarter (24.2 % or 5.6 million tonnes) of the EU-28’s pig meat in 2015, while Spain produced one sixth (17.0 % or 3.9 million tonnes) of the EU-28 total, equal to 23 million tonnes

Producción de carne de cerdo en la UE, 2015.

Producción de carne en la UE (2005-2015)

In 2015, despite a private storage aid scheme for pig meat ( 14), the price followed a constant decline. In 2015, the pig meat price index decreased by 11.6 % compared with 2014. Over the period 2010–15, the index decreased by 5.1 %. The median price of pigs ( 15) was about EUR 110 per 100 kg.

Wednesday December 21, 2016/ Eurostat.

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