The Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA), the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and the Universitat de Lleida (UdL) have created a technical group for supporting the PRRS control (ConPRRS).
The aim of this initiative is that all the most current scientific and technologic knowledge –including diagnostics, biosafety assessments, epidemiology, and a consultancy on the applicable measures for each case– for locally or regionally controlling the PRRS is available to companies, ADS (group for defending salubriousness), and public administration, as well as to offer education to veterinarians and all the people that participate in the programmes for controlling the disease.

ConPRRS’ final objectives are to contribute to the enhancement of the salubriousness and competitiveness of the swine sector and to generate new knowledge that may be used for solving practical problems in the control of PRRS.
ConPRRS is an initiative which benefits from the disinterested support of four companies with recognised experience in PRRS which are HIPRA, MERIAL, MSD, and SYVA.
Friday February 28, 2014/ CReSA-UAB/ Spain.