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Spain: The pig sector ends a historic 2017

The pig sector ends a historic 2017 exceeding €5,000 million in exports.

6 February 2018

2017 has been historic for the Spanish pig sector, that exceeds, for the first time, the €5,000 million barrier in exports, and reaches a revenue of €15,000 million, as Mr Albert Herrranz, the head of the White Coat Pig Interprofessional Association (Interprofesional del Porcino de Capa Blanca, INTERPORC) has pointed out.

Herranz has highlighted the stability of the production and the domestic consumption, and the foreign sales, that have entailed a 13% in terms of invoicing, reaching €5,080 million.

Spain is the third power in the world trade of pig products, and it sells to more than 130 countries, and the pig sector contributes to the national wealth, with a positive trade balance, more than €4,500 million, with a total trade volume of about €15,000 million and the generation of 300,000 direct jobs and more than a million of indirect jobs, basically in rural areas.

France is the main foreign market in terms of volume and value

The head of INTERPORC has pointed out that 2017 has been marked by an increase of the sales to Europe, that has absorbed 70% of the sales, and especially to France, that has been, once more, the main market in terms of volume (322,000 tonnes), beating China, that is the second largest buyer, with 318,000 tonnes.

In terms of value, France gains ground as the first foreign destination for Spanish pork, with €992 million, increasing its advantage over China (€500 million) and Japan (€433 million), that are the second and the third markets in terms of value, respectively.

Regarding the products, 78% of the foreign invoicing comes from the sales of fresh, refrigerated or frozen meat and offal, a very similar percentage of that in 2016.

Thursday, February 1st, 2018/ Interporc-Press release/ Spain.

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