The Secretary of Agriculture and Food of Spain, Mr. Carlos Cabanas, highlighted, in its intervention in the closing ceremony of the Spanish Meat Industries Association (ANICE) Assembly, the increase in the meat exports in 2015, that exceeded €4.8 billion, with a noticeable rise by 20% in the markets of third countries, with a value of €1.25 billion.
Mr. Cabanas also underlined the evolution of the pig sector, that places as the first activity in the Spanish meat sector in terms of value, reaching €5.7 billion/year, and it represents 83.5% of the hoofed animals' meat produced in Spain in 2015 (63.1% of all the meats if we include poultry and rabbit). If 2014 was a record year in terms of production, with 43 milion pigs slaughtered and 3.5 million tonnes produced, in 2015 these figures were exceeded, and only in the January-October period there was a year-on-year increase by 6.3% in slaughterings and by 7% in tonnes produced.

With this production volume, that represents 3.3% of the world production, Spain becomes established in these last years as the fourth biggest pork producer, behind China (that produces 51.2% of all the pork in the world), USA (9.4% of the world production) and Germany (4.9%), and ahead of Brazil (3.0%), Russia (2.4%), Vietnam (2.2%) and Canada (1.7%). At the same time, it is the second European pork producer, representing 16.2% of the EU production, ahead of France (8.7%), Poland (8.1%), Denmark (7.1%), Italy (6.8%) and The Netherlands (6.1%). The EU is the second world producer, with 20.2% of the total.
These positive data have also been transmitted to the foreign trade, with a strengthening of the exporting activity, and the 2014 figures grew reaching record values in terms of volume (+16%) and value (+8.5%), exceeding €3 billion.
Tuesday, 6 April 2016
ANICE-Press release/ Spain.