The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Mr. Miguel Arias Cañete, has pointed out that the swine sector is one of the first five industrial sectors in Spain and that it holds the first place in the Spanish food and beverages industry, with a sales volume of more than 19,000 million euros, which represents 22% of the sales volume of all the Spanish food sector.
The swine sector is the most important one in the Spanish stockbreeding sector, and it is the one that contributes, to a greater extent, to the Final Agricultural Production. It has represented 14.1% of it in year 2012.

On the other hand, for the Minister, it is necessary to have mechanisms for monitoring suitably the national and international markets, checking the productions costs and the margins of the farms. In order to attain this, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has a plan for the starting-up of a net of typical pig farms within the frame of the National Net (RENGRATI) that is integrated, in turn, in an international net, and this will allow to carry out comparisons with analogous production systems.
Thursday October 24, 2013/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.