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Spain: Veterinary antibiotics sales fall in 2019

Total human use of antibiotics in Spain fell by 5.4 % in 2019, while sales of veterinary antibiotics fell by 13.6 % in the same period.

30 July 2020

In the field of animal health, a 13.6% reduction was recorded for the sales of veterinary antibiotics in 2019 (27.2 mg/PCU or milligrams of active ingredient per population correction unit). This number reflects data provided by all stakeholders in the marketing chain, since in 2017 data collection from pharmaceutical laboratories was extended to include data from retail entities and pharmacies.

Including the latest figures in the statistics, the total sales of antibiotics for veterinary use show a 58.8% reduction between 2014 and 2019 (Figure 1). Spain went from 418.8 mg/PCU in 2014 to 172.4 mg/PCU in 2019, which is closer to the European average in this area (107 mg/PCU in 2018).

Figure 1. Sales of veterinary antibiotics in Spain 2014-2019 (mg/PCU). 

Figure 1. Sales of veterinary antibiotics in Spain 2014-2019 (mg/PCU). 

July 23, 2020/ PRAN/ Spain.

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