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Spanish pork product exports decrease

Exports from January to September totaled 999,000 tons, 16% less than during the same period of the previous year.

3 November 2023

In the first nine months of this year, Spain has exported only 999,359 t of pork and pork preparations, which represents a further decrease compared to the same period last year (-16%), when 1,190,322 t were exported, and is far from the 1,513,911 t exported between January and September 2021.

All exports to the major destinations have decreased compared to the same period of the previous year, except for Great Britain, which increased by 6%. China remains the leading destination, with a share of 43.6% of total exports, although these have decreased by 12.33% compared to the same period last year. The Philippines shows the largest decrease (-37.55%) and its share in the total has decreased from 15.54% in 2022 to 11.56% in 2023. Exports to Japan and South Korea have decreased by 11% and 24%, respectively.

Spanish exports of pork and pork preparations, in tons, between January and September. Source: 333 based on CEXGAN data.

Spanish exports of pork and pork preparations, in tons, between January and September. Source: 333 based on CEXGAN data.

For more information on swine industry statistics, click here.

November 2, 2023/ 333 Staff with data from CEXGAN.

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