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France is developing welfare labeling for products of animal origin

The implementation of this proposal would harmonize current and future labeling.

14 May 2024

In Europe, labeling aimed at informing consumers about the welfare of animals raised for food production is increasing. However, the criteria used vary widely from label to label. The European Union is considering creating harmonized labeling. In this context, the French Agency for Food, Environmental, and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) conducted an expert assessment to provide livestock stakeholders with a scientific basis for such labeling. In its guidelines, ANSES recommends adopting a system with five welfare levels, ranging from the best (A) to the lowest (E). Level E corresponds to exclusive compliance with the requirements imposed by European legislation on animal welfare, whether related to housing, transport, or slaughter. This classification, easily understood by the consumer, should also help producers progressively improve the consideration of animal welfare.

Most existing animal welfare labels only consider the husbandry methods and the means implemented to improve them. Therefore, the scientists of the ANSES working group recommend that the indicators to be evaluated refer primarily to the welfare status of the animal, from measurements taken from the animal itself.

Another specificity considers not only the living conditions of food-producing animals but also that of selection and multiplication animals. Experts believe that products should not be graded higher than level C without ancestry information.

May 2, 2024/ ANSES/ France

Seen 77 times

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