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Strengthening North America's defense against African swine fever

The 4th North American African Swine Fever Forum was hosted in Canada.

24 September 2024

Canada hosted the 4th North American African Swine Fever (ASF) Forum, which brought together international and domestic experts, industry leaders, and government representatives.

Stakeholders worked collectively to demonstrate progress and identify future actions to protect North America from the potential impacts of an ASF detection. Sharing lessons, including those from outbreaks in Europe and Asia, along with joint research and innovation, will help strengthen collective efforts against the threat of ASF.

The forum explored the challenges of managing ASF in wild pig populations and strategies for controlling the spread of ASF. Advancements in research were discussed to better understand the disease, including vaccination efforts. These insights will help strengthen preparedness, especially with surveillance, early detection, and response measures.

September 20, 2024/ Canadian Government/ Canada.

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