Pork exports in July were steady with last year at 221,809 mt, but export value jumped 20% to $657.3 million. Pork variety meat exports were especially strong at 49,092 mt, up 54% from the low total posted a year ago and 16% above July 2019. Variety meat export value was the second highest on record at $116.7 million, up 69% from a year ago and 39% above 2019.
July pork exports were driven mainly by growth in Mexico, Central America, Colombia and the Philippines, while chilled pork exports continued to strengthen to Japan and South Korea. Total exports to China declined from a year ago, but pork variety meat shipments to China were the second largest on record.

For January through July, pork exports were 1% above last year’s record pace at just under 1.8 million mt, while value increased 8% to $4.98 billion.
September 7, 2021/ USMEF/ United States.