
Swine fever threatens 90,000 pigs in northern Malawi

The Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development under Mzuzu Agricultural Development Division says a suspected outbreak of African swine fever has occurred in Rumphi and Mzimba Districts putting at risk a total of 92,000 pigs.
9 June 2011
The Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development under Mzuzu Agricultural Development Division says a suspected outbreak of African swine fever has occurred in Rumphi and Mzimba Districts putting at risk a total of 92,000 pigs.

The affected areas are Chiweta, Mhuju, Nchenachena, Bolero and Katowo in Rumphi and Emfeni in Mzimba. So far 4600 pigs in Rumphi and 365 pigs in Mzimba have died due to the suspected outbreak.


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