The total value of agricultural production in Switzerland in 2011 is estimated at 10.300 million francs, which supposes a decrease of only 0,4% with respect to 2010 (-40 million francs). However, performance has varied in each one of its components.
Regarding animal production, which rises to 47% of Swiss agricultural production, has had a performance similar to that of 2010. What stand out most is the pig market, which makes up a fifth of livestock production.

The supply of pigs for slaughter remains high, increasing pressure in a market where things are already tense: swine prices fell by 6,7%, after having dropped 11,7% in 2010, and the value of pork meat production decreased by 6,5% (62 million francs) with respect to 2010.
Thursday October 20, 2011/ Boletín de Noticias del Exterior-MARM/ Spain.