Switzerland is committed to protecting its pig population against the arrival of African swine fever (ASF).
On January 22, 2024, the Canton of Ticino organized a meeting at the Cantonal Institute of Commerce in Bellinzona, with the presence of Italian experts, Vittorio Guberti, epidemiologist (ISPRA) and Luca Bacciarini, veterinarian of the Canton, also present was the secretary of the Unione Contadini Ticinesi.

Today the virus is 65 km from Chiasso. Guberti estimates that the virus will travel that distance in about 1 year.
The public is already being warned of the probable bans on walking in the woods including personnel charged with monitoring the quality of drinking water sources.
In 2022, the State Council set up a working group and produced the first version of the operations manual to translate and transform the directives at the federal level to reality, to make sure that when the disease comes, everyone knows how they should behave. A "task force" has already been created in the canton.
January 24, 2024/ RSI/ Italy.