
Taiwan confirms an outbreak of FMD

One pig with vesicular lesions was found in a detention pen (only one pig in that pen) of the slaughterhouse in Tao Yuan County.

14 December 2011

One pig with vesicular lesions was found in a detention pen (only one pig in that pen) of the slaughterhouse in Tao Yuan County. Samples for virus detection were collected and sent to the national laboratory (Animal Health Research Institute). The prefecture animal disease control competent authority immediately destroyed the pig. Cleaning and disinfection were implemented in the index slaughterhouse. Positive results of the tests were obtained by national laboratory confirming that the pig was infected with serotype O of foot and mouth disease virus. According to the report received, a total of 1013 pigs were found susceptible, out of which one case was identified.

The prefecture animal disease control competent authority traced back to the farm of origin. The clinical investigation showed that all pigs on farm were healthy. Samples from the farm of origin were collected for serological tests and virus isolation. Movement control of all pigs on the farm of origin was implemented. The serological test and virus detection of the farm of origin of the affected pig are under way.

Monday December 12, 2011/ OIE.

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