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Taiwan notifies two new outbreaks of FMD

The laboratory results confirmed positive NSP antibody reaction in serum samples from 2 index farms.

30 October 2012

Taiwan veterinary authorities have notified the OIE about the emergence of two new outbreaks of FMD. The outbreaks are located in Yuanshan Township (I-Lan). A total of 1850 pigs were involved, of which, there were 389 cases.

Two pig farms with suspected FMD cases were noted in I-Lan county by the local disease control center. Movement restrictions were conducted on these 2 pig farms, serum and swab samples were collected and sent to the national laboratory (Animal Health Research Institute). The laboratory results confirmed positive NSP antibody reaction in serum samples from 2 index farms. The pigs with lesions and others in the same pen in the farm of outbreak 2 were destroyed (total 381 heads of pigs) according to the positive reaction of viral RNA product detected by RT-PCR. Virus isolation are underway. FMD vaccination, the cleaning and disinfection of the index farms were completed. The monitoring and epidemiological investigation of those surrounding farms that keep cloven-hoofed animals within 3-km radius of the index farms had been completed. No clinical or epidemiological evidence of infection were found.

Monday October 29, 2012/ OIE.

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