
Tanzania launches USD596 million livestock master plan

Tanzania’s livestock sector is set for a major boost following the official launch of a TZS1.4 trillion (USD596 million) Tanzania livestock master plan (TLMP).

23 April 2019

The TLMP is a five-year plan geared towards addressing major challenges facing the sector and transforming it by guiding investments in major subsectors. To realize the TLMP, at the request of the Government of Tanzania, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) provided technical assistance and training to the Tanzania Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries in a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

A livestock master plan is a vision-driven, evidence-based road map with investment plans that seeks to improve animal productivity and production, as well as increase the value addition of key livestock value chains.

The TLMP sets out livestock-sector investment interventions, which will help Tanzania meet its development targets by improving productivity and total production in the key livestock value chains of poultry, pork, red meat and dairy.

Despite being ranked second in Africa in terms of cattle population, according to the country’s National Bureau of Statistics, livestock-related activities contribute only 7.4% to Tanzania’s gross domestic product (GDP) and growth of the livestock sector at 2.6% is low. Coupled with this, the absence of a roadmap to develop the livestock sector has persistently hindered successful implementation of previous investment plans for the sector.

Barry Shapiro, a senior livestock development advisor at ILRI and team leader for the development of the TLMP, expressed gratitude at the progress made that led to the launch of the master plan. He said that the livestock sector accounts for around 30-40% of agricultural economies in many developing countries but public investment often accounts for only 3-4%. Moreover, he added, the TLMP development team found that 70% of potential value-added livestock products are not realized because Tanzania does not have enough industries. But the livestock master plan is set to address this and other challenges through the training provided to government experts and planners to carry out fact-based and realistic investment planning and implementation.

Wednesday April 10, 2019/ ILRI.

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