
Thailand - Thai authority orders pork price cut

Thailand’s Department of Internal Trade or DIT has ordered pork retailers to reduce the retail price of pork to THB 105- 110/kg (USD 3.42- 3.58) from THB 110-115/kg (USD 3.58- 3.75).
27 September 2010
Thailand’s Department of Internal Trade or DIT has ordered pork retailers to reduce the retail price of pork to THB 105- 110/kg (USD 3.42- 3.58) from THB 110-115/kg (USD 3.58- 3.75).

This follows a decline in live pig prices to THB 55-56/kg (USD 1.79- 1.82) from THB 61- 62/kg (USD 1.99- 2.02) earlier. The new prices will take effect on October 1. Pork prices have declined due to cooler weather conditions and increasing supply of around 2,000 pigs/month after Cambodia’s ban on Thai pig exports.


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