
Thailand - Unexpected increase in morbidity or mortality of a listed disease

An increase in the morbidity/mortality has been observed in the area of Amphur Ban-Ra-Kam (Phitsanulok province) and PRRS is suspected based on clinical signs.
1 December 2010
An increase in the morbidity/mortality has been observed in the area of Amphur Ban-Ra-Kam (Phitsanulok province) and PRRS is suspected based on clinical signs.

After the Department of Livestock Development was notified, an investigation team was sent to the area and immediately launched disease control measures in order to contain the disease.

In total, 660 out of about 2,970 pigs from 90 small pig holders in the province were infected. The clinical presentation of the disease varies among herds but, in general, the clinical signs are: fever, anorexia, lethargy, cutaneous hyperemia, dyspnea and reproductive failure. The production system that has been affected is mainly the backyard sector with low biosecurity.

Samples were collected and sent to the Lower Northern Laboratory of Veterinary Research and Development Centre for further confirmation.

The source of infection is still under investigation and will be summarized to understand the possible origin of the disease in order to implement appropriate control and prevention measures.

Epidemiological comments Clinical signs according to the PRRS case definition have been detected. It is characterized by reproductive failure and respiratory distress, which can affect all age groups of pigs.

Surveillance is carried out in and out the area of the infected farms.

A public awareness campaign has been launched to provide information, education and communication to all target audience in order to educate farmers about PRRS and encourage them to enhance their biosecurity level by applying basic principles.


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