Thailand's pig production reached 21.723 million heads in 2024, a 6.19% increase from the 20.456 million heads produced in 2023. This is largely due to the recovery from African swine fever (ASF) resulting in increased sow and pig numbers. In 2025, pig production is expected to decrease by 1.63% due to government-set measures to reduce production capacity to stabilize pig prices by requesting cooperation from large farmers to reduce the number of sows.
In 2024, Thailand exported 53,000 breeding pigs worth 303 million baht, an increase of 10.82% from the volume of 47,827 in 2023, while the value decreased by 23.95% from 399 million baht in 2023. In 2024, Thailand exported 108,000 live pigs worth 490 million baht, an increase of 31.94% and 28.71% from the volume of 81,858, worth 380 million baht in 2023, respectively.

Thailand exported 2,140 tons of chilled and frozen pork in 2024, worth 220 million baht. The volume increased from 1,965 tons in 2023 by 8.88%, while the value decreased from 258 million baht in 2023 by 14.63%. The main export markets were Hong Kong, Myanmar, and Laos. In 2024, Thailand exported 4,780 tons of processed pork, worth 1,065 million baht, an increase of 19.81% and 13.38% from 3,990 tons, worth 939 million baht, in 2023, respectively. The major export markets were Japan, Cambodia, Hong Kong, and Laos. The overall export volume increased as a result of strictness in biosecurity systems, resulting in Thai pork products of acceptable quality.
In 2025, it is expected that exports of live pigs, chilled and frozen pork, and processed pork will increase slightly from 2024 due to the economic recovery, with trading partners confident in the standards of Thai livestock products, coupled with the government's policy to promote pork exports abroad.
In 2024, Thailand imported 274 tons of pork products worth 94 million baht, an increase of 24.90% and 19.17% from 220 tons worth 79 million baht in 2023, respectively. Imports were from countries in the European Union, namely Spain, France, and Denmark. In 2024, Thailand imported 10,890 tons of other edible parts of pigs (skin, liver and other offal) worth 155 million baht, a decrease of 49.20% and 55.80% from 21,437 tons worth 351 million baht in 2023, respectively. Imports were from Spain. In 2025, it is expected that imports of pork products and other edible parts of pigs will similar to 2024.
January 6, 2025/ The Swine Raisers Association of Thailand/ Thailand.