Parliament adopted the deal with member states on the revision of the industrial emission directive (IED) with 393 votes in favour, 173 against and 49 abstentions, and the new regulation on the Industrial Emissions Portal with 506 votes in favour, 82 against and 25 abstentions.
Livestock farms

Co-legislators agreed to extend IED measures to pig farms with more than 350 livestock units (LSU). Farms raising pigs in an extensive or organic manner, and outside for a significant amount of time in a year, are excluded. For poultry, the directive applies to farms with laying hens with more than 300 LSU and for farms with broilers with more than 280 LSU. For farms rearing both pigs and poultry, the limit will be 380 LSU.
The directive to date in force (Directive 2010/75) agrees on values for pig farms with more than 2,000 places for production pigs (over 30 kilos) or with more than 750 places for sows and poultry farms with more than 40,000 places for poultry and farms of more than 750 livestock units (LSU).
The Commission will assess, by 31 December 2026, whether there is a need to further address the emissions from rearing livestock, including from cattle, and a reciprocity clause to ensure producers outside the EU meet requirements similar to EU rules when exporting to the EU.
The law now also has to be adopted by Council, before being published in the EU Official Journal and entering into force 20 days later. Member states will then have 22 months to comply with this directive.
March 12, 2024/ EP/ European Union.