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The European meat industry asks China to accept regionalization

In a seminar held in Beijing on February 21st, the European meat industry encouraged China to apply regionalization to the trade of meat from countries affected by diseases such as African swine fever.

13 March 2019

This seminar was held due to the spreading of African swine fever in Europe and to the fear that the notification of a single outbreak, even if it affects wild animals, will bring with it the closure of the Chinese market. Bearing in mind the importance of this market, the complete closure of a country has very serious consequences for the whole of the sector.

This sector, just as the Administrations have been doing for many years, asks China to apply the principle of regionalization, that is accepted by the World Organisation for Animal Health, and that would allow only to interrupt the trade from the areas in a country that are subject to health restrictions, allowing the exports to continue from the rest of the regions of the country that are free from the disease.

Europe appealed to the need that China applies regionalization and that it differentiates between countries and regions with cases that affect domestic and wild pigs from those that only suffer cases that affect wild animals. At the end of the seminar, the sectorial associations of the countries that were present (Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands and Belgium) signed a cooperation memorandum with the China Meat Association.

Thursday, March 7th, 2019/ Foreign News-MAPA/ Spain.

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