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The government expects the best harvest in the history of Argentina

“We will be the second global maize exporter again”, said the Minister of Agroindustry, Mr Luis Miguel Etchevehere, when showing that according to the forecasts, the exportable surplus will reach 30 million tonnes.

25 April 2019

The figures show a record campaign regarding maize, that will reach 55 million tonnes, and a strong recovery of soybean, that will reach 55.9 million tonnes. The total harvest in the 2018-2019 campaign would be close to 145 million tonnes.

The 2018-2019 campaign also has both the maximum historic wheat harvest, with 19,4 million tonnes (5.2% higher than in the 2017-2018 campaign) and maize harvest, with 55 million tonnes (26.5% higher than in the previous campaign). Great increases have also been recorded in the production of barley (35.3%) and soybean (47.9%).

In this sense, the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Mr Guillermo Bernaudo, highlighted the importance of the resumption of crop rotation, while the Subsecretary of Agriculture, Mr Luis Urriza, said that “the application of fertilisers grew by 14% this year, this improving the yields”.

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019/ Ministry of Agroindustry/ Argentina.

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