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France: The IFIP develops an indicator of the competitiveness in the pig sector

Denmark presents the best index, with 0.79 points, followed by Germany (0.52), The Netherlands (0.51), and Spain (0.49).

10 June 2013

The French Swine Technical Institute (IFIP) and the pig inter-trade association (Inaporc) have presented an indicator of the competitiveness of the European swine industry.

The indicator is based on 33 variables, grouped in eight groups: the macroeconomics of the sector, the foreign trade, the costs and profitability of the farms, the structures of the farms, the industrial performance of the abattoirs/butchering rooms, the structures of the abattoirs/butchering rooms, the pig meat processing industry, and the distribution. The IFIP has developed an indicator that goes from 0 to 1 for the main European pig producing member countries: France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, and Spain.

According to the indicator, Denmark has the best index, with 0.79 points, followed by Germany (0.52), The Netherlands (0.51), and Spain (0.49). The French swine production would achieve the last place among the five main countries in the pig European sector, with 0.31 points.

Although the result is not surprising, the experts intend to monitor the evolution of the competitiveness of these countries updating, every year, the index, which up to now has been calculated with data from year 2010.

Thursday June 6, 2013/ Agrapresse and Agri85/ France.

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