The Dutch government is moving the statutory nitrogen target forward from 2035 to 2030. This means that by 2030 at least 74% of nitrogen-sensitive nature in protected nature areas must have a healthy nitrogen level and be brought below the critical deposition value, the limit above which there is a risk that the quality of animal or plant habitats will be damaged by nitrogen deposition.
The bill also includes the announced expansion of the permit requirement for internal net metering and other nitrogen-related changes. With the permit requirement, an entrepreneur needs permission to make adjustments in the company that can lead to nitrogen precipitation in nitrogen-sensitive nature areas.

The internet consultation has started on the bill accelerating the target. The bill also includes the two benchmarks in 2025 and 2028. Reactions, ideas, or proposals about the bill can be shared with the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) via the internet consultation until March 23, 2023.
February 14, 2023/ Aanpak Stikstof/ the Netherlands.