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The Netherlands tackles nitrogen pollution

The government is taking new measures to control nitrogen pollution. Funds are available for the pig production cessation scheme.

25 February 2020

These measures are designed to restore and strengthen nature areas, and represent the next step in the effort to tackle nitrogen pollution. The minister also announced that coaches would be appointed to give farmers individual support in introducing nitrogen-reduction measures or navigating the system of innovation and buy-out schemes.

The government will introduce a grant scheme to support investment in innovative and sustainable livestock housing. The idea is to tackle emissions at source, by quickly separating dung and urine, for example.

The government previously made €180 million available for the restructuring of pig production in a scheme which, though focused on reducing odour nuisance, also reduces nitrogen deposition. A total of 502 pig farmers subscribed to the scheme.

February 7, 2020/ Government of the Netherlands/ The Netherlands.

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