Swine inventory 2023 breakdown. Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA).
- The number of pigs in Colombia totaled 10,639,149 in 2023, of which 62.3% were animals raised in technified production, 17.4% on commercial industrial farms, 11.6% on commercial family farms, and 8.8% on backyard farms.
- The five departments with the highest concentration of pigs were Antioquia (32.6%), Valle del Cauca (13.3%), Cundinamarca (7.6%), Meta (7.1%), and Córdoba (4.1%), which together accounted for more than 60% of the pigs registered in the country.
- There were 6,630,526 animals in technified production in 2023, of which 247,967 were breeding females, 42,314 replacement females, 5,150 breeding males, and 6,335,095 growing and finishing pigs.
- In 2023, 192,149 pig farms were registered: 0.5% technified production, 2.1% industrial commercial, 18.9% family commercial, and 78.5% backyard production.
- Although backyard farms account for the largest share by number of farms (78.5% or 150,801 farms), they have a minimal number of pigs compared to the substantial inventory housed in the highly specialized technified farms, which number only 883 production units.
- The number of technified farms increased by 12.9% compared to 2022, going from 782 to 883.
- The figures for technified production revealed annual increases of 10.7% in the number of breeding females, 15.8% in replacement females, and 39.3% in breeding males, which is in line with the increase in pork production in 2023.
- One of the most outstanding indicators is the 7.8% reduction in the number of backyard pigs, from 1,011,131 animals in 2022 to 931,783 in 2023, which reflects the increasing formalization, technification, and development of Colombian swine farming.

333 Latin America with Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) data/ Colombia.