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The OIE presents the basic principles of its strategy to fight antimicrobial resistance

The increasing occurrence and spread of bacterial resistance against antimicrobials reported in recent years is today considered a major risk by the international community.

25 May 2016

At the 84th General Session of the World Assembly of National Delegates, the OIE presented to its Members, and proposed for adoption, the basic principles of its new strategy to fight antimicrobial resistance. Built on the foundations of many years’ work by the Organisation to protect the effectiveness of antimicrobials used in veterinary medicine, and to contribute towards maintaining the efficacy of the molecules used in human medicine, this strategy aims to provide countries with the necessary tools to assist them in managing this problem more effectively, regardless of their actual animal health situation.


According to an OIE study, in more than 110 of the 130 countries questioned, there is a lack of comprehensive and relevant legislation regulating the conditions for import, manufacture, distribution and use of veterinary medicines, including antimicrobials. Consequently, these products are often freely sold and their use is unsupervised by animal health professionals. The lack of quality controls for these products is also a cause for concern indeed, a study in 2012 showed that, in more than 22% of countries with legislation on veterinary medicines, quality control of such medicines had not been included in the legislation.

The OIE presented its Member Countries with the basic principles of its strategy to assist them at national level to, step by step, prepare a legal framework and build the necessary capacity to manage the problem of antimicrobial resistance more effectively.

Implementing this strategy will enable countries to benefit from the series of measures developed by the OIE, in accordance with its mandate, to assist them in carrying out the following actions:

  • regulate the manufacture, circulation and use of antimicrobials in animals, according to international standards;
  • train animal health professionals;
  • communicate to raise awareness among stakeholders;
  • avail high-quality products and their alternative ;
  • ensure veterinary supervision of antimicrobial use in animal health to make sure that they are used prudently and responsibly;
  • monitor antimicrobial use and the development of resistance.


Tuesday May 24, 2016/ OIE.

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