FAO and the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) held their 14th annual meeting at FAO Headquarters on 12-13 October 2015 to strengthen even further their long standing collaboration and take up the challenge of addressing issues which are critical if the safety and sustainability of feed and food are to be ensured.
Guaranteeing sustainability, feed safety and quality, reducing the use of antimicrobial in the livestock sector and adhering to international standards, were all item discussed by the delegates from the feed industry worldwide (among others European Union countries, USA, Brazil, China, South Africa, Turkey, Australia and India), representing over 80 percent of global compound feed production and the FAO officers, that agreed that sustainable and responsible feed production and use cannot be attained by one single action or by an individual player, but a strong collaboration among the all stakeholders is essential.

World compound feed production is fast approaching an estimated 1 billion tonnes annually. Global commercial feed manufacturing generates an estimated annual turnover of over US $370 billion. Commercial production or sale of manufactured feed products takes place in more than 130 countries and directly employs more than a quarter of a million skilled workers, technicians, managers and professionals. In addition, around 300 million tonnes of feed is produced directly by on farm mixing.
The recent adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which marks a turning point in the global community’s approach to development, was recalled and it was stressed how the partnership its particularly aligned with the 17th Goal “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development” and its specific points.
Tuesday October 20, 2015/ FAO.