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The veterinary services of the Southern Cone will emphasize common Animal Health measures

At their first meeting, held at SENASA's headquarters, the Permanent Veterinary Committee of the Southern Cone (PVC) initiated the preparation of the Strategic Plan 2016-2020.

20 March 2015

At their first meeting, held at SENASA's headquarters, the Permanent Veterinary Committee of the Southern Cone (CVP) initiated the preparation of the Strategic Plan 2016-2020 to adapt their objectives and mechanisms to the world's current demands in the field of animal health and food of animal origin safety.

Representatives of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) also attended the meeting.

The PVC decided to emphasize the integration of common preventive actions against FMD. To do this, the Veterinary Services of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay made progress in the preparation of the second stage of the MERCOSUR programme of action against foot and mouth disease (PAMA), the first stage of which —completed in 2014—, enabled the integration of efforts to combat the disease among neighbouring countries.

The preparation of the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, that will govern the activities of the Committee during that period, was also initiated.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 / SENASA / Argentina.

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