The WTO has introduced changes in its website so its users can access directly to the legislation and the practices of the member countries of the organization regarding the origin regulations, as published by the ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade).
These regulations are the criteria implemented to establish where a product has been produced, and they are important for the implementation of other trade politics measures, among them the tariff preferences, the contingents, the anti-dumping measures and the compensatory rights.

With the proliferation of regional trade agreements, a growing number of countries apply several different groups of origin regulations. As a result, there is a great demand for transparency and a better understanding of these requirements.
To simplify and centralise the access to this information, the notifications received by the WTO’s secretary’s office from its members regarding the preferential and non-preferential origin regulations can be checked in the webpage of this organisation whose seat is in Geneva.
Tuesday, 4 July 2017/ ICEX/ Spain.